Stóri dagurinn runninn upp: 11. september


  Dagsetningin 11.  september er greypt í vitund okkar sem munum eftir ţví ţegar fasistar steyptu í blóđugri byltingu lýđrćđislega kjörinni stjórn í Chile 1973.  Viđ tók ógnarstjórn Pinochets sem einkenndist af aftökum á pólitískum andstćđingum í ţúsundatali,  hryllilegum pyntingar á pólitískum andstćđingum í tugţúsundatali og frjálshyggja.

  11.  september er líka merkur dagur fyrir ţađ ađ í kvöld verđur nýtt íslenskt barnaleikrit,  Horn á höfđi,  frumsýnt í Grindavík.  Höfundar eru Bergur Ţór Ingólfsson og Guđmundur Brynjólfsson leikhúsfrćđingur.  Um tónlistina sér Villi naglbítur.       

« Síđasta fćrsla | Nćsta fćrsla »


1 identicon

Góđur : )

Res (IP-tala skráđ) 11.9.2009 kl. 06:08

2 identicon

Thann 11. sept 2001 létust 24.000 manns og thar af 16.000 börn vegna hungurs eda hungurstengdra ástaedna.  Rétt eins og adra daga allan ársins hring.

Gjagg (IP-tala skráđ) 11.9.2009 kl. 07:26

3 identicon

USA studdi blódugu byltinguna í Chile.

Gjagg (IP-tala skráđ) 11.9.2009 kl. 07:30

4 identicon

Hehe, góđur punktur, Jens.

Óskar P. Einarsson (IP-tala skráđ) 11.9.2009 kl. 08:20

5 Smámynd: Ásthildur Cesil Ţórđardóttir

Hann er nú ekki síst frábćr ţessi dagur vegna ţess ađ ţá fćddist ég fyrir 65 árum síđan.

Ásthildur Cesil Ţórđardóttir, 11.9.2009 kl. 08:40

6 identicon

Til hamingju med afmaelid!!

Gjagg (IP-tala skráđ) 11.9.2009 kl. 08:41

7 Smámynd: Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson

11. september 2009 var dagurinn, ţegar ég taldi víst ađ Jens Guđ vćri kominn međ Alsheimer. Eđa kannski er hann bara kaldur karl, sem ekki vill heyra neitt ljótt...?

Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson, 11.9.2009 kl. 08:46

8 Smámynd: Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson

Alliende var ekki neinn sunnudagsskólakennari.

Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson, 11.9.2009 kl. 08:48

9 Smámynd: Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson


Under research til en bog om nazisme i Sydamerika střdte forskeren Victor Farias pĺ en analyse af Salvador Allende med titlen: "Mental hygiejne og forbrydelse" ("Mental Hygiene and Delinquency"), hvori Salvador Allende agiterede for, at homoseksualitet er en forbrydelse, der kan kureres med kirurgiske operationer, forskellige racistiske ideologier om racers tilbřjeligheder til kriminalitet, og at jřder er genetisk programmerede til at begĺ underslćb, tyveri og tage ĺgerrenter. Sigřjnere, landstrygere og arabere betegnes af Salvador Allende som dovne, lřsagtige og med hang til tyveri. Homoseksualitet forestillede Allende sig kureret ved at bore smĺ huller i maven, hvorigennem stykker af testikler kunne indfřres.

Som sundhedsminister (1938-41) fremfřrte Salvador Allende, efter ekspertbistand fra to tyske nazister E. Brücher og Hans Betzhold en lov, der skulle tvangssterilisere psykisk syge og alkoholikere, som dog faldt efter modstand fra lćgestanden, som modsatte sig med den begrundelse, at det var ren nazisme.

Victor Farias mener videre at have fundet bevis for, at Salvador Allende i 1939 havde modtaget bestikkelse fra den tyske udenrigsminister Ribbentrop, som var godt tilfreds, da det hjalp til at udbrede nazistiske ideer i Chile.

Já han var FÍNN Karl hann ALLENDE.

Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson, 11.9.2009 kl. 08:58

10 identicon

Ég held ad Villi Össi aetti ad saekja um starf hjá FOX "NEWS"....hann passar ágaetlega thar.

Chile: President Salvador Allende and his libelous 1933 Thesis

Carmen Negrin has forwarded a very long press release >from the Allende Foundation of Spain denouncing the "libelous" publication of Salvador Allende's 1933 thesis presented at the University of Chile on Mental Hygiene and Delinquency. I am bewildered.  The Allende Foundation is located in Spain.  I suspect that Carmen's husband, who is Chilean, is affiliated with it. Is there an Allende Foundation in Chile, and is the one in Spain linked to it? The thesis was presented to obtain the title of Surgeon, but it seems to have nothing to do with surgery. It denounces the Italian Cesare Lombroso, about whom here is a quote from Wikepedia: Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909) is a historical figure in modern criminology, and the founder of the Italian Positivist School of criminology. Lombroso rejected the established Classical School of criminology, which held that crime was a characteristic trait of human nature. Instead, using concepts drawn from Social Darwinism, Lombroso's theory was that criminality was inherited, and that the born criminal could be identified by physical defects, which confirmed a criminal as savage, or atavistic. RH: Lombroso was Jewish, but his ideas were used to practice social engineering by the Nazis.  Not having seen Allende's thesis, I cannot say how it proves that Allende had Nazi ideas, which is allegedly the reason why it is being published. In any case, merely publishing it is not libelous.  I have forwarded the press release to Carlos López of Chile in the hope that he can explain to us what the fuss is all about.

Carmen Negrin has sent an English version of the long press release "Warning of a Libelous Text circulating. Press release. President Allende Foundation".  I am forwarding it to Carlos López, David Pike and Sal Bizzarro, with the request that they give us the essence of the case and their take on it.

Those interested in the fuss created by the publication of Chilean ex-President Salvador Allende's university thesis should read the attachment.

Madrid, May 21, 2005


Tel.  34-91.531.19.89

Fax  34-91.531.68.11


Press Release


1. Forthcoming appearance of the complete unpublished thesis of Dr. Salvador Allende to qualify for  the Doctor-Surgeon degree at the University of Chile, in May 1933, entitled Mental Health and Delinquency.

2. Warning regarding a text in circulation which libels Salvador Allende.


Forthcoming publication of university thesis by Dr. Salvador Allende

The complete text will be published in June. In his thesis Allende examined the schools of thought  which were then current (in 1933) in legal and crimininalistic medicine regarding personalities of delinquents  and methods to prevent crime and rehabilitate the delinquent..

The purpose of publishing the complete 1933 thesis is to provide a link, not known until now, which forms part of Allende´s  consistent approach to principles of  social and cultural progress by means of the  development of political and economic democracy, respect for humanistic values and condemnation of all forms of racial discrimination and anti-Semitism.

In this thesis, the young Allende refers to the observations of Lombroso, the Italian criminologist, about the supposed relationship between Hindus, Arabs, Gypsies and Jews and certain kinds of crime. Allende concludes that Lombroso has not shown that race has any influence on delinquency (“there is no precise data showing any such influence in the civilized world," Allende maintains).

The young medical student refers to the theses of the then famous endocrinologist, Nicolas Pende, on the Southern Italians, the Spanish  and English in relation to thyroid activity. He coincides with  the Spaniards professors Suńer and Jiménez de Asúa, in describing as insufficient, simplistic and one-sided the doctrines of the endocrinologist schools such as those which, referring to the thyroid and the thymus, see internal glandular secretion as the only explanation of crime.

Allende cites within the category of "collective crimes" the nascent Nazi-Fascist movements, which, without mentioning them by name, he describes in this way: "the world economic crisis and existing political instability have created in different countries armed institutions in the guise of  political parties that use extreme violence ".

In his thesis, Allende attributes a criminal nature to some leaders of the masses who use force “to impose their principles on all else” Without mentioning Hitler by name, he describes that contemporary phenomenon in the following words.

“So it comes about that these collective crimes lead to truly tragic consequences, when a psychopathological phenomenon develops in the masses which eminent psychiatrists compare to an insidious virus. A pernicious influence can be exercised all too easily on the masses by an apparently normal person who, in reality, forms part of an identifiable category of the mentally disturbed."

Allende then condemns the use of terror as a method of government:

“History is rife with these examples, so we see, and so we can understand, with the help of psychiatry, how collective deviation is motivated by the irrational impulses of a leader. So it is that Robespierre and Marat amongst others have been diagnosed as belonging to certain pathological categories"

Allende brings his thesis to an end affirming his trust in free will and in the human conscience of mankind:

"We are fully in agreement with Mariano Ruiz-Funes  when he says: ' If Taine is correct in saying that every  man carries within himself a Phidias capable of sculpting  supreme works of art but also  of creating monstrosities, it is equally true that each society creates  criminals or shapes  men of superior virtues and, in both cases, whether on an  individual or social basis, an ethical imperative determines that all activity should be of a  transcendental nature. If that is not the case, be assured that  our conscience will be burdened with the knowledge that we are in the presence of  a mediocre sculptor, one that deserves our disdain."


Warning of the libelous text circulating by Victor Farias

The defamatory intention is exemplified in the treatment of the case of the Nazi military criminal, Walter Rauff.

1) Farías’s silence on the fact that the Allende Government made possible the questioning of Rauff on June 28, 1972 at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Santiago by a German judicial civil official

The declaration was taken in relation to the trial that continued in Germany against the SS official Bruno Streckenbach. The complete text of the declaration is published in Nizkor en

2) He distorts the way in which President Allende sympathized with Wiesenthal, at the time explaining to him that Chilean law obliged the President to follow the 1963 ruling of the Supreme Court 1963 related to Rauff

Here is how Simon Wiesenthal describes it in his book, Justice Not Vengeance:

 “But Rauff was lucky: under the Chilean statute of limitations murder charges cannot be brought after fifteen years, and when the Supreme Court in Santiago dealt with the case eighteen years had elapsed. By three votes to two the application for extradition was rejected. A judge from Hanover, who went to Chile to interrogate Rauff in the action against Pradel, returned with the conviction that it would only be possible to get hold of the Obersturmbannführer if a different regime came to power in Chile.

Eight years later just that happened: the Socialist Salvador Allende became head of state. On 21 August I handed over to the Chilean ambassador in Vienna, professor Benadava, a letter to Allende, drawing his attention to the Rauff case. Allende relied very cordially but pointed to the difficulty of reopening a case when the Supreme Court had already handed down a judgment. I requested Allende to examine the possibility of having Rauff, who was not yet a Chilean citizen, deported: we might be able to proceed against him in a country with a more favorable legislation. But before Allende could answer my second letter there was a coup and Allende lost his life”.

These are Wiesenthal’s own words that refute the libelous statements of Farias’ undocumented text.

There are reasons to suspect that Farías also had been able to falsify or to manipulate the text of the letter that he attributes to President Allende in answer to the one of Mr. Wiesenthal. He doesn’t publish a photocopy of the letter but rather a version that is re-typed by an unidentified person, without seal, date or registry number, with the heading "Ministry of Foreign Relations", and, at the bottom, "President of Chile" after the name Salvador Allende. The three items are inconceivable in the correspondence of Head of State who wrote on "Presidency of the Republic" letterhead and always signed with his name only (without adding "President of Chile"). Letters all were sent with a date and a record number. Suspicion grows when Farías does not identify the source of documents, but claims that "I have found them in the file of the Dokumentationszentrum of Vienna". A serious omission for an academic professional who does not identify the number of box and/or file where he claims to have found the document.

3. Farías silence that Pinochet protected Rauff from those who wanted to put him on trial.

Below you can read the letter from the Director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Dr. Efraim Zuroff, sent on November 23, 1997 to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:

“Simon Wiesenthal Center

23 Cheshvan 5758

23 November 1997

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu


Dear Prime Minister,

We recently learned that the Chief of Staff of the Chilean army and the country’s former president General Augusto Pinochet is planning a visit to Israel. Although he was invited by ‘Machshirei Tenua’, a private company, the visit nonetheless has serious public implications which have prompted this letter.

General Pinochet served for many years as a dictator who purposely and systematically ignored the principles of human rights and democracy. During his presidency, many of his political opponents were murdered, among them numerous Jews. These facts are, in  my opinion, sufficient cause to prevent his visit to Israel, but allow me to add an additional dimension related to the activities of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

For years, General Pinochet granted a safe haven to Nazi war criminals who escaped to Chile, among them SS officer Walter Rauff who invented the gas vans in which hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered during the Holocaust in the Chelmno death camp, various parts of the Soviet Union and in Yugoslavia. Later Rauff served in Tunisia and in Italy, where he played an active role in the measures taken against the Jews.

After the war, Rauff escaped from Europe and settled  in Chile. I am well acquainted with the great efforts invested by the Wiesenthal Center and other Jewish organizations during the late seventies and early eighties to convince the Chilean government headed by Pinochet to extradite Rauff to the German authorities who sought to put him on trial. Pinochet, however, adamantly refused to accede to this request and defended the Nazi war criminals (who died in Chile in 1984).

From a moral point of view, the State of Israel, as the national home of the Jewish people, cannot host individuals like Pinochet who caused so much damage, sorrow and pain to Jews. Your intervention is therefore requested regarding this painful subject in order to prevent the visit of the murderous dictator, defender of Nazi war criminals like Walter Rauff.

Please spare us this embarrassment.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Efraim Zuroff


Simon Wiesenthal Center”

4. Farías’ silence in the face of what is public and well-known, that Salvador Allende’s relationship as a youth and an adult, with all the creeds, beliefs and ethnic groups in Chile, without distinction, was always excellent.


Every one of Farias’ supposed "discoveries" and "findings" on Salvador Allende turn out to be a string of unsupported falsifications.

         ***         ***

For more information on the next publication you can refer to the President Allende Foundation (Spain).

 Wiesenthal (S.): Justice, Not Vengeance. N. York, Grove Weidenfeld, 1989 1st US edition; Weidenfeld and Nicholson London 1989, pp. 62-64.

FARIAS (V.): Los nazis en Chile, Barcelona, Seix Barral, 2000, pp. 450-453.

The copy of this letter was produced by Dr. Efraim Zuroff on December 1998 into the proceedings against Pinochet in the National Criminal Court of Spain, for the crimes of genocide, terrorism and torture.

Ronald Hilton 2005


last updated: June 15, 2005

Gjagg (IP-tala skráđ) 11.9.2009 kl. 09:46

11 Smámynd: 11/sept

Heimildarmyndin Truth Rising fjallar um grasrótarhreyfingu sem m.a. reynir ađ ađstođa ađstandendur og fólkiđ sem vann ađ björgunarstörfum ţennan dag.

Ath - stór skrá - hćgri smelliđ og veljiđ "save as" hér

Innlent, hrađvirkt niđurhal

11/sept, 11.9.2009 kl. 09:50

13 Smámynd: Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson

Gjagg, ţetta flykki af rugli sem ţú fannst á netinu er allt ţvađur. Bréf Efraim Zuroffs kemur málinu ekkert viđ.

Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson, 11.9.2009 kl. 10:55

14 identicon

Villi Össi...thú vitnar í  Thú aettir ad lesa ensku Wikipedia...samkvaemt henni hafdi kappinn gydingablód í aedum. 

Thú kannski heldur ad thad sé meira ad marka dönsku útgáfuna?

Criticisms of Salvador Allende

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Statue of Allende in Constitución Square, in front of La Moneda Palace

Salvador Allende, President of Chile, has inspired a variety of perceptions regarding his policies, personality and performance as a head of state. Around the world, journalists, polling organizations and others have documented the expression of an evolving array of opinions about him. More than thirty years after his death, Allende remains a controversial figure. Since Allende's death before the end of his presidential term, there has been much speculation as to what Chile would have been like had he been able to remain in power.

Allende is often cited in non-academic discussions about whether a 'communist' government has ever been democratically elected. While Allende legitimately won a democratic election, the significance of this has been disputed by some because he only had a plurality, not a majority, in the popular vote. This voting pattern is not unknown in representative democracies.



[edit] Supporters' view

Chileans marching in support of Allende

His supporters argue that he did not win an outright majority because Christian Democrat Radomiro Tomić, running on a leftist platform similar to Allende's, split the Centrist vote. Tomic and Allende together gathered 64% of the vote, a clear majority. His opponents maintain that Allende went much farther to the left than the Centrist voters who supported Tomic could have expected. The Christian Democratic Party was supportive of a military intervention to remove Allende from office but began to disassociate itself from the 1973 coup d'état because of the violently repressive nature of the Pinochet regime.

Allende is seen as a hero to many on the political Left. Some view him as a martyr who died for the cause of socialism. His face has even been stylized and reproduced as a symbol of Marxism, similar to the famous images of Che Guevara. Some hold the United States, specifically Henry Kissinger and the CIA, responsible for his death, and view him as a victim of American imperialism. For his supporters his greatest legacy was his conviction that Socialism can be reached through a democratic, pacific path. His legacy can be seen in the recent election of governments professing socialism in Venezuela and, most recently, Bolivia.

[edit] Opponents' views

Others view Allende much less favorably. He is criticized for his government's mass nationalization of private industry, alleged friendliness with more militant groups such as the Movement of the Revolutionary Left, and the supply shortages and hyperinflation that occurred during the latter years of his presidency; all these had combined to cause a strong polarization in the country and the committed opposition of the Christian Democratic Party at the time of the coup. He is also accused of having had an autocratic style, attempting to circumvent the Congress and the courts, and having a hostile attitude toward critical media.

A common claim among opponents was the belief that Allende's closeness with Fidel Castro and Eastern bloc countries meant that he was planning to model the Chilean state along Cuban lines. Such allegations are highly controversial. One, offered by the military junta which deposed Allende, accusing him of formulating the supposed "Plan Z", in which the Popular Unity government was accused to have planned a bloody coup of its own to install Allende as dictator. The junta alleged that the plot was to be no less than a blueprint for assassinations of military leaders and general "mass murder". The CIA later concluded[1] that "Plan Z" was probably disinformation. Nevertheless, according to his opponents, Allende's own refusal to obey and/or enforce more than 7,000 Chilean Supreme Court and other legislative rulings (as detailed in the Resolution of August 22, 1973 was a sign of dictatorial style in defiance of Chile's democratic government institutions.

[edit] Marxist criticism and assessment

Most of the analysis on the Chilean situation by Marxists were based on political literature and studies published by Lenin and Leon Trotsky. Trotsky’s theory of permanent revolution (1905) and Lenin’s work State and Revolution (1917) were heavily cited and referenced in light of Allende’s reformist ideas. The overthrow of his UP democratically elected government and its replacement with a capitalist military dictatorship only served to reinforce among orthodox Marxist the theoretical infallibility of applied Marxism.

Shortly after the military coup one of the most prominent opponent of Salvador Allende’s reformist policies, the young physician and MIR leader Miguel Enriquez stated:

The reformist project put in place by the UP enclosed itself within the bourgeois order…it aimed to forge an alliance with sectors of the bourgeoisie, it didn’t lean on the revolutionary organizations of the working class, in its own organs of popular power, it rejected an alliance with rank and file soldiers and sub officers in the armed forces, it sought to seal an alliance with the bourgeois faction. The reformist illusions allowed the ruling classes to prevail in the superstructure of the state from where it initiate its reactionary counter offensive, by, firstly, leaning on industrialist federations, on the petty-bourgeoisie and finally on high-ranking officials of the Chilean Armed Forces…[2]

[edit] Accusations of racism

Recent controversy has surrounded Allende's 1933 doctoral dissertation "Mental Hygiene and Delinquency", the subject of a recent book Salvador Allende: Anti-Semitism and Euthanasia by Victor Farías, a Chilean-born teacher at the Latin America Institute of the Free University of Berlin. In his book, Farías claims that Allende held racist, homophobic and anti-semitic views, as well as believing at that time that mental illnesses, criminal behaviour, and alcoholism were hereditary.

Farías' allegations have been challenged by the Spanish President Allende Foundation, which published various relevant materials on the internet, including the dissertation itself[3] and a letter of protest sent by the Chilean Congress (and signed among others by Allende) to Adolf Hitler after Kristallnacht.[4] The Foundation claims[5] that in his thesis Allende was merely quoting Italian-Jewish scientist Cesare Lombroso, whereas he himself was critical of these theories. Farías maintains the affirmations that appear in his book. The President Allende Foundation replied publishing the entire original text of Lombroso[6] and in April 2006 filed an anti-libel claim against Farías and his publisher in the Court of Justice of Madrid (Spain).[7]

Farías paraphrases of Lombroso have been much quoted; for example The Daily Telegraph (UK) reported 12 May 2005 that "Allende… wrote: 'The Hebrews are characterised by certain types of crime: fraud, deceit, slander and above all usury. These facts permits the supposition that race plays a role in crime.' Among the Arabs, he wrote, were some industrious tribes but 'most are adventurers, thoughtless and lazy with a tendency to theft'[8]

The Telegraph's quotation about the Jews appears to be a combination of two sentences that are not adjacent in the dissertation. Both are part of Allende's summary of Cesare Lombroso's views on different "tribes", "races" and "nations" being prone to different types of crime; the latter is misquoted. Allende's passage about the Jews reads "The Hebrews are characterized by certain types of crime: fraud, deceit, defamation and, above all, usury. On the other hand, murders and crimes of passion are the exception." After recounting Lombroso's views, Allende writes, "These data lead one to suspect that race influences crime. Nonetheless, we lack precise data to demonstrate this influence in the civilized world." The passage about Arabs is "Among the Arabs there are some honored and hardworking tribes, and others who are adventurers, thoughtless and lazy with a tendency to theft." There is no statement that the latter applies to "most" Arabs.[3]

Farías further claims to have found evidence that Allende had tried to implement his ideas about heredity during his period as Health Minister 1939-1941, and that he received help from German Nazis E. Brücher and Hans Betzhold in drafting of an unsuccessful bill mandating forced sterilisation of alcoholics. The President Allende Foundation has challenged Farias in the Court of Justice of Madrid (Spain)to prove that any bill on this issue has been proposed by Minister Allende to the Chilean Government or Parliament, and to prove as well Farías' allegation that Allende was bribed by the Nazi foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop without providing any evidence of it.[7]

Surviving personal friends of Allende have completely rejected the validity of Victor Farías accusations of "racism" and "anti-semitism" for two major reasons: Allende's mother, Laura Gossens Uribe, was of Jewish descent and Allende considered himself a Marxist and socialist internationalist for most of his adult life.

Allende’s supposed “anti-semitism” is left unfounded not only because of Allende’s own Jewish ancestry, which was well known in Chile, but by the fact that it was often used by his political detractors against him. The renowned neo-Nazi intellectual and former Chilean diplomat Miguel Serrano (who was the mentor to many in the fascist “Patria y Libertad” movement, which was instrumental in overseeing the CIA’s backed programme of destabilization in Chile) often spoke about Allende’s “Jewishness” or his “Judeo-Bolshevik” agenda.

During his term in office, Allende - who was himself an atheist - supported a more ecumenical approach to national festivities and encouraged participation from the small Chilean Jewish community in celebrating Chile’s Independence Day, which had always been sanctified by the Roman Catholic Church. During his term in office, the Great Rabbi of Santiago, spiritual leader of the Jewish Community, had a principal role in the preparation of an ecumenical service for this event.

Further countering accusations of anti-semitism is the fact that Allende entrusted two of the most important tasks of his government to Chilean Jews: Jacques Chonchol to direct and implemented the successful agrarian reform which completely transformed the country’s agricultural structure, and David Silberman Gurovich, who was in charge of consolidating the nationalization of the most important industry in the country, Codelco-Chuquicamata (the largest open-pit copper mine in the World).

In 1972, Salvador Allende suggested the Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal ask the Chilean Supreme Court to extradite former SS Colonel Walter Rauff to Germany. The letters exchanged between Wiesental and President Allende are published in CLARIN.[9]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Hinchey Report, "CIA Activities in Chile", September 18, 2000
  2. ^ Answer that Miguel Enriquez gave the press in October, 1973 when asked: “In according to your judgement: Why did the Popular Unity government collapase?[1]
  3. ^ a b (Spanish)Salvador Allende, Higiene Mental y Delincuencia (dissertation)
  4. ^ (Spanish) Letter of Protest to Adolf Hitler
  5. ^ (English) Forthcoming publication of university thesis by Dr. Salvador Allende, May 17, 2005, Clarín.
  6. ^ (Spanish) Cesare Lombroso "El Delito, sus causas y remedios", 1902, translated into Spanish by Bernardo de Quirós.
  7. ^ a b (Spanish) Extracts from the suit filed by the Fundación Salvador Allende.
  8. ^ Quotes from Allende's Thesis as reported in Newspapers
  9. ^ (Spanish) (German) Correspondencia entre Simon Wiesenthal y El Presidente Allende (1972).

Gjagg (IP-tala skráđ) 11.9.2009 kl. 13:00

15 Smámynd: Gísli Ingvarsson

Dóttir mín Ingveldur Gyđa á afmćli í dag. Gyđa heitin amma hennar líka. Fyrir mér er ţetta hinn allra besti dagur.

Gísli Ingvarsson, 11.9.2009 kl. 13:08

16 Smámynd: Jens Guđ

  Res,  takk fyrir innlitiđ.

Jens Guđ, 11.9.2009 kl. 14:30

17 Smámynd: Jens Guđ

  Gjagg,  takk fyrir fróđleiksmolana.

Jens Guđ, 11.9.2009 kl. 14:30

18 Smámynd: Jens Guđ

  Ásthildur,  til hamingju međ daginn!

Jens Guđ, 11.9.2009 kl. 14:34

19 Smámynd: Jens Guđ

  Vilhjálmur Örn,  ég ţoli alveg ađ heyra eitthvađ ljótt.  Enda ţaulvanur ţví.  Hef meira ađ segja prófađ ađ hlusta á útvarpsstöđina Kanann.  Ţađ var ljóti andskotinn.

  Vegna danska pistilsins sem ţú lćtur fylgja međ reikna ég međ ađ ţú eigir viđ Salvador Allende ţegar ţú segir ađ Alliende hafi ekki veriđ sunnudagsskólakennari.  Ég hygg ađ ţađ sé rétt hjá ţér.  Ég minnist ţess ekki ađ hafa heyrt ađ hann hafi stundađ kennslu viđ sunnudagsskóla.  Mig minnir ađ hann hafi lćrt til lćknis en veit ekki hvort hann vann viđ fagiđ. 

  Ef ţú varst ađ vísa til Isabel Allende ţá held ég ađ hún hafi ekki heldur veriđ sunnudagsskólakennari.  Mig minnir ađ hún hafi veriđ blađakona áđur en hún sló í gegn á heimsvísu sem rithöfundur.

Jens Guđ, 11.9.2009 kl. 14:46

20 Smámynd: Jens Guđ

  Óskar P.,  takk fyrir innlitiđ.

Jens Guđ, 11.9.2009 kl. 14:48

21 Smámynd: Jens Guđ

  11/sept,  takk fyrir hlekkinn.

Jens Guđ, 11.9.2009 kl. 14:50

22 Smámynd: Jens Guđ

  Gísli,  til hamingju međ afmćli Ingveldar Gyđu!  Ţetta er flott og stórbrotiđ nafn á stelpunni.   

Jens Guđ, 11.9.2009 kl. 16:52

23 identicon

Svo er eins og mig minni ađ ţađ hafi veriđ eitthvađ flugslys ţann 11.

Gestur (IP-tala skráđ) 11.9.2009 kl. 16:53

24 Smámynd: Jens Guđ

Gestur, fyrir nokkrum árum rákust tvćr flugvélar ţennan dag utan í sitthvort háhýsiđ í New York međ ţeim afleiđingum ađ háhýsi langt í burtu hrundi lóđrétt til grunna. Líka ţau sem flugvélarnar rákust á. Ţessi óhöpp hafa aldrei veriđ rannsökuđ ađ ráđi og ţykja dularfull um margt.

Jens Guđ, 11.9.2009 kl. 21:57

25 Smámynd: Ómar Ingi

Hér er mikiđ samansafn í óprúđum einstaklingum hjá ţér Jens.

Ómar Ingi, 11.9.2009 kl. 22:25

26 identicon

Ţetta var frekar stórt međ tvíburaturnana ţví flugvélarnar flugu hreinlega inn í ţá međ farţega.

Ţór (IP-tala skráđ) 11.9.2009 kl. 23:20

27 Smámynd: Jens Guđ

  Ómar Ingi,  ég skil ekki helminginn af öllum ţeim yfirgripsmiklu "kommentum" sem hér hafa hlađist inn.  Ég ţarf ađ taka mér frí frá vinnu nćstu daga til ađ lesa allan ţennan pakka.  Eins og ţetta var sakleysisleg og lítil fćrsla til ađ samfagna ţví ađ nýtt íslenskt leikrit vćri frumsýnt í Grindavík.  Umrćđan hefur fariđ út og suđur út fyrir ţá merku frétt.  Annar höfunda,  Guđmundur Brynjólfsson,  er góđur vinur minn og ţetta er spennandi dćmi á hans fína ferli.

Jens Guđ, 11.9.2009 kl. 23:25

28 Smámynd: Jens Guđ

  Ţór,  ég hef séđ ljósmyndir af ţessu.  En ekki sett mig mikiđ inn í dćmiđ.

Jens Guđ, 11.9.2009 kl. 23:26

29 Smámynd: Jens Guđ

  Ég gleymdi ađ nefna ađ ég á plötu sem er tileinkuđ - ađ mig minnir -  slökkviliđsmönnum sem höfđu í nógu ađ snúast ţennan dag vegna atburđarins.  Ég er ekki međ plötuna viđ hendina en minnir Bruce Springsteen og fleiri stórnöfn eigi ţar lög.  Ég á ekki plötuna  Rising  međ Brúsa en hún ku fjalla um ţennan atburđ.

Jens Guđ, 11.9.2009 kl. 23:30

30 Smámynd: Siggi Lee Lewis

Mér finnst alveg einkennilegt hvađ ţađ eru margir húmoristar sem heimsćkja síđuna ţína Jens. Mađur hefđi haldiđ ađ fólk sem hefur engan húmor myndi frekar sćkja síđuna út af ţunglyndi. N

En alveg fullt af grínistum koma og ţađ er alveg ćđislegt. Best finnst mér komment frá Ásthildi Cesil Ţórđardótti: " Hann er nú ekki síst frábćr ţessi dagur vegna ţess ađ ţá fćddist ég fyrir 65 árum síđan." Ţetta er ţađ sem heldur mér á lífi. Hvar vćri mađur án svona fólks?

Svo er alveg magnađ ađ svona copy paste náungar eins og Gjagg, trúi ţví virkilega ađ fólk nenni ađ lesa 1000 orđa comment á bloggsíđu. Alveg magnađ. Og ţađ er ţetta sem gerir síđuna ţína svo skemmtilega Jens. Ţađ eru athugasemdirnar! Fyrir utan allar snilldar fćrslurnar sem ţú ritar inn.

Siggi Lee Lewis, 12.9.2009 kl. 15:42

31 Smámynd: Jens Guđ

  Siggi Lee,  mér virđist sem ţeir er kíkja hingađ inn séu húmoristar og alvörugefiđ fólk í bland.  Sitt lítiđ af hverju.  Veit ekki hvert hlutfalliđ er.

  Ég ćtla ađ fćđing hverrar manneskju sé stćrsti atburđur í lífi hennar.  Einskonar vendipunktur.

Jens Guđ, 12.9.2009 kl. 21:33

32 Smámynd: Sigurbjörg Sigurđardóttir

Man ađ ég kveikti á sjónvarpinu kl 11 um morguninn í Róm ţar sem ég bjó,og sá árásirnar.Get svariđ ađ ég hélt ađ ég hafđi dottiđ í bíomind.Stóđ eins og hálviti fyrir framan sjónvarpiđ í ógeđslegum hita međ kisu á milli fótana og bara starđi á sjónvarpiđ.Ţegar ţulurinn byrtist fattađi ég ađ oh si ađ ţetta var raunverulegt.Ţessu gleymi ég aldrei.

Sigurbjörg Sigurđardóttir, 12.9.2009 kl. 22:42

33 Smámynd: Jens Guđ

  Sigurbjörg,  ţú og margir ađrir muna glöggt stađ og stund ţegar ţeir sáu árásirnar á tvíburaturnana.  Ég man ekkert eftir ţví.  Hinsvegar man ég hvar ég var staddur ţegar ég heyrđi fyrst lagiđ  Twist and shout  međ Bítlunum.  Ţá var ég krakki ađ gefa kúnum súrhey á Hrafnhóli í Hjaltadal.  Var alveg dolfallinn ađ heyra ţessi geđveikislegu öskur.  Hef síđan veriđ međ nett Bítlaćđi.

Jens Guđ, 12.9.2009 kl. 22:53

34 Smámynd: Siggi Lee Lewis

Vendipunktur í lífi hvers og eins, er ţegar hann byrjađ ađ reykja Jens. Hélt ţú vissir ţetta. Ţađ er ekkert dásamlegara en ađ reykja úr sér hjartađ á hverjum einasta degi frá klukkan 8!!!

Siggi Lee Lewis, 13.9.2009 kl. 01:18

35 Smámynd: Sigurbjörg Sigurđardóttir

Jú eg man alveg eftir ţví ţegar ég heirđi Twist and shout, Help líka jabb heima í Kópavoginum,útvarpiđ í stofunni og viđ syskinin Límd viđ útvarpiđ ,Frábćrir tímar sem mađur gleymir aldrei.

Sigurbjörg Sigurđardóttir, 13.9.2009 kl. 01:26

Bćta viđ athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.


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